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sponsor with navii media

We're looking for sponsors, advertisements and or donations to help continue our events and our website, to pay content creators, and facilitators, take educational courses and help with general maintenance of navii media community projects, while also creating community cohesion with the organisations and businesses!

Scroll to see our sponsorship section, donation section and advertisement section

Sponsors can vary from event sponsorship (physical works) to media sponsorships (online works) where you can choose which you'd like to sponsor. Sponsorship will be a long-standing business relationship with us, alternatively, you can make a one-time donation to help us continue our work!





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Your donation will help us continue to provide a necessary platform for marginalized communities and creatives around the world, thank you so much for your donation!




If your organisation/brand would like to create/select a sponsorship package with Navii Media please contact

advertise with us

advertise with us

We want to create a sustainable platform that can continue to provide online content for our users on a regular basis.

The support from our funders Virgin Money Foundation and UK Black Pride has been immensely helpful in setting up our platform and running an array of beautiful events and creating moving pieces from Queer Prom to Navii, The Midnight Commune and more!

We knew the final bits of our funding would be used on Queer Prom, giving us a good time to get our heads around the next exciting step and be a wholesome way to complete it!

The next step is opening to advertising with companies, brands, events, businesses, and organisations locally, nationally, and internationally that match with Navii Media's values of championing marginalized folks stories and experiences.

If you own a company, event(s), brand, business, or organisation and would like to get in touch or know more about our advertising on, please contact

Our prices for advertising will range from £30 - £150, as we want to create an accessible form of advertising slots.

The money from advertising will be used for

- Paying content creators
- Paying for website hosting and domains
- Bringing in freelance editor positions to help manage, check, and post submissions

I want to say a big BIG thank you to everyone who has supported Navii Media since we began in 2021. I say we, at the moment, it's just lil-ol-me managing things, so I'm excited for the next step and bringing in more folks in on the journey for 2024 onwards!!

Lots of sunny love - ☀️Dami☀️


Journals Of Dami